Documents were collected for this proposal and a number of consultation documents retrieved. However, the number of documents received was far below the total number of documents submitted to the consultation. The InterEURO team contacted the relevant Directorate General in an effort to obtain the documentation. It was decided to remove this proposal from our sample because of the disproportionate amount of work for DG TAXUD to find the 560 submissions. Zdravko Aleksandrov of DG Taxation and Customs Union, Unt R.2 responded to the InterEURO team's request for documentation by notifying us that gathering the 711 submissions for this proposal was possible, but would put a burden on the resources of DG Taxation and Customs Union. To quote the email, "In order to provide you with access to the available submissions, we would need to review all submissions to see whether the authors made any remarks as to the publication of their submission, and in certain cases delete personal data or commercially sensitive information. In addition to the work on the retrieval of the submissions and preparation of the reply, this would roughly take 15 full days for one official in DG TAXUD. This work has to be completed along with the ongoing core responsibilities of the relevant units."