Module descriptions

Population module
The Dutch module is responsible for the coding of the entire actor population. This actor-based coding provides information on the size of the actor, where it is based, what economic or social issues it works on, at which level it is active, what type of actor it is, how big it is, etc. This way we create a database with extensive information on the type of interest groups active in the EU. The population dataset also includes information about the venue in which the actors have been active (i.e. EP, Commission, media, etc), and can be linked to other datasets from the project, which contain information on the issues around which these actors mobilized. This allows for a venue- and issue-based comparison of actors on the basis of actor-characteristics.
The entire dataset will be ready and operational by the end of 2013. Tests (Kripp.Alpha for a sample of 100 actors) have been conducted, to establish the reliability of the data. The results (see report) suggest that the dataset can be used for quantitative analysis in this shape.
In the future, actors from the Transparency Register can easily be added to this dataset, making the population even more comprehensive, and allowing the further comparison of issue populations with overall populations.”
Prof. Dr. David Lowery
Pennsylvania State University